I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, and as the days pass by, our attention now turns to the new year, and as that day approaches, we hear that magical word, resolution. On this eve of New Year’s Eve, I think of all the things people resolve to accomplish in the new year. Most people after eating as much candy and pecan pie as possible during the calendar month between Thanksgiving and Christmas resolve to diet and lose weight. Many people resolve to exercise more. Many resolve to save money. The list of New Year’s resolutions usually contains the same culprits year after year after year. Did you know that most New Year’s resolutions are broken just a few days after being made? I guess the fact that happens shows our lack of resolve.

I have a resolution that every Christian ought to make, and I believe the results of being resolved to living up to the resolution would be incredible. There are 24 hours in a day. Let’s assume that you work for 8 hours, and you sleep for 8 hours. By the way, I just do not understand how some people sleep as much as they do, but I regress. According to my Holice Powell math training, that leaves 8 hours unaccounted for. As the New Year approaches, make a resolution that you are going to spend at least an hour a day with the Lord. In that hour, devote time for personal Bible study. Find you a topic in or a book of the Bible and research it using the many resources available and learn more about God Almighty. Sure, if you use the internet to help in your study, you are going to come across some ideas that are just not true, but the Holy Spirit will guide through it. Make time for personal Bible study. Resolve in that allotted time to have a family Bible study which includes your children, if you have any at home, and your spouse, and in that time, pray and talk to God. We resolve to do many things, but Christian friend, is it not time for us to resolve to get closer to God?

Dear friend, I pray that the coming year has great things in store for you, but whatever we have in the world will be doubled and tripled by God if we only resolve to spend time with Him each day.


