Christian Thanks-Living

Happy Thanksgiving! That phrase is uniquely American. That phrase that has been uttered so many times in our nation. That phrase that causes us to reflect on our modest beginnings as a nation. That phrase that signifies the cooperation between the early Pilgrims and their Indian neighbors. Should I be politically correct and say Christian persecutors and the indigenous neighbors they mistreated? I think I will stay with Pilgrims and their Indian neighbors since I actually know America’s history. And, seriously, I hope each of you have enjoyed the day with family and friends.

TO Christians, however, Thanksgiving should not be a day but a way of living. Our lives should be characterized by “Thanks-Living.” Many times, Christians live defeated lives because they do not praise God Almighty for all the things He has done for them. As Christians, it is critical to learn to live our lives with a spirit and attitude of thankfulness, but how do we do that?

Try this. Take a pen or pencil and a piece of paper, or use your I-Pad or phone and make a list of 10 things for which you are most thankful. I will start your list for you. As Christians, number one on our list should be that we are thankful that God provided His Son as a payment for our sins because without that, dear friend, we truly would have no reason to be thankful. Once you start your list with Jesus Christ on top, finish your top ten list with the things for which you are most thankful. After you compile your list, reflect on it, and take each one of the things you listed before God Almighty by letting Him know how thankful you are for each of the things you listed. Do this daily, or break your list down and thank God for one or two of the things you listed on a rotational basis. Continue to reflect on your list in the days, weeks, months, and years ahead and add to it as the days pass. Share your list with fellow Christians, and soon you will find that you are on your way to a life of THANKS-LIVING. To get us started, I would like God to know that I am thankful for:

(1) Jesus Christ dying for my sins and covering those sins for eternity.

(2) God’s promise that I will not go through His judgement because I have placed my faith in His grace and mercy

(3) A church family that embraces God’s Word and fellowship with each other.

(4) God’s Word

(5) A Christian wife that stands by me along life’s way.

(6) A Christian son, daughter-in-law, and a fantastic grandson

(7) Christian friends

(8) Christian parents that saw to it that my sister and I were raised in church

(9) Being born and raised in a nation that affords me the opportunity to freely worship

(10) The Pandemic Posse

Do this and you are on your way to THANKS-LIVING. I would love to hear from you. IN the comments, if you do not mind, share some of the things for which you are most thankful.


We Three Kings
